New Year’s Resolutions: Music Edition

Welcome to 2024! We trust your year is off to a fantastic start! As January marks the season of resolutions, we thought we’d lend a hand by suggesting some musical goals for the new year. Here are 5 musical New Year’s resolutions to consider!

1. Create a Practice Schedule

Similar to hitting the gym, musical practice is a habit that needs cultivation. Once sitting down with your instrument becomes ingrained in your routine, progress becomes not a question of if, but when.

Begin by setting a manageable goal that fits realistically into your schedule. Don’t aim for an hour of piano practice daily if it proves challenging to incorporate. Starting with a goal of a 15-minute practice session twice a week is an excellent initial step. As this becomes second nature, increase the time and frequency based on your aspirations for the year on your instrument!

2. Set Performance Goals

Performing in front of a live audience is one of the great joys of being a musician. While it may be nerve-racking initially, it sets a deadline for learning and provides a valuable milestone.

Consider participating in recitals, such as ours, held twice a year in summer and winter. We are here to support you every step of the way!

3. Play With Other Musicians

The more, the merrier! Collaborating with other musicians is a surefire way to enhance your skills and enjoy the process. When playing with others, our habits are exposed; what may seem acceptable when playing solo could become an issue in an ensemble. If possible, seek opportunities to play with individuals at a similar skill level, fostering mutual growth!

4. Create an Original Song

Writing your own music is one of the most effective ways to broaden your musical knowledge and playing ability. Even if songwriting isn’t your ultimate goal, approaching it as an exercise will teach you the fundamental elements of music clearly. Plus, you’ll have a distinctive memento to showcase afterward!

5. Document Your Progress

Seeing progress on a day-to-day basis can be challenging. By documenting your practice every month or so, you can reflect on your journey throughout the year and witness your growth. This practice is among the best ways to stay motivated and acknowledge the strides you’ve made!

Closing Notes

We encourage you to adopt a few musical New Year’s resolutions of your own! If starting lessons with a teacher is on your list, feel free to reach out to us today!

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