It can be hard to know the best ways to support your budding musician. Here are 6 tips to help you out!
1. Instil a consistent practice schedule
Much like fitness, the practice of music requires consistency to be effective. If possible, a repeating practice time should be set up a couple of days a week. By doing this music parents provide repetition and regularity, which creates a fertile ground for continual musical growth and improvement.
2. Allow fun and space
To go along with the first habit, it is wise to remember that not all practice has to be regimented and scale driven. It is equally important to allow young students to truly “play” music, meaning to have fun with it! Improvise, try out all the sounds on the keyboard, make up some silly songs! Promoting a creative spirit allows for interest to be maintained, and self-expression to come out.
3. Be encouraging and supportive
This one may seem obvious, but it is difficult to straddle the line of encouragement and discipline. Music parents have to know when to push and when to hold up their little Mozart in the making. Balance, as with everything in life, is key!
4. Chat with the teacher
Make sure to have a quick chat with your child’s teacher every couple weeks. This is important because it keeps both of you on the same page as to what the current goals are, and how they are going to be achieved. As they say, it takes a village!
5. Share their love of music
One of the best ways to foster your child’s love of music is by showing them your favourite songs and telling stories about what makes them so great. Not only is it inspirational for them, but it is a great opportunity for bonding and connecting over a shared interest.
6. Take the kids to performances
There is nothing better than seeing live music! Whether it’s a concert, a musical, or a dance event, there is something about the energy that can’t be replicated by recordings. Live performances are especially exciting for kids because they provide a visual element to the music, and they get to see how the sounds are really created. No matter how big or small, if an opportunity arises to go to a show it’s a great idea!